

Animal of the week

The animals that we posts (From another site) that's being sold, is sold in Sweden, that is why we write on swedish. Sorry
Kategori: DJUR - Katter
Brittisk korthår kattunge

Annonstyp: Säljes
härlig mjuk päls och kort hår brittisk kattunge. Hon är en sådan älskling, älskar att bäras och kela. vet kontrolleras, vaccinerade och uppdaterad på alla hennes bilder. redo för sitt nya jul hemma.

Pris: 3000:- SEK
Solna i Stockholms län
Kontaktperson(Läs först denna varning!)
Namn: maria


Cat of the week

Hi and sorry for the late update. Here is the cat of the week:


Chippis kommer från Ingarö, där hon föddes av sina hemlösa föräldrar. Hela familjen blev matad av en man som ställde dem på kö hos oss och efter en lång väntan hade vi äntligen plats för dem.

Chippis är en tjej med mycket pondus. Man kan i hennes fall verkligen säga att äpplet inte faller långt ifrån trädet... Tuffing är nämligen hennes pappa! Bakom hennes tuffa fasad döljer det sig en massa bus! Hon har helt klart glimten i ögat och gillar att leka. Hon tigger också gärna godis när tillfälle ges.
Vill du anta utmaningen att få vår Chippis att utvecklas vidare, vilket hon bara kan göra i hemmiljö, så är du mer än välkommen att höra av dig! Hon vill ha sällskap av en trygg, tam kattkompis. Chippis är född ca 2006.
Chippis söker även jourhem där det finns en katt i väntan på ett eget hem.
Afrodite kan du träffa på katthemmet i Vaxholm.
Om du är intresserad tryck på länken --->: Insökan


Nature theme - Rainforest A FEW FACTS

Over the last 100 years, more than half of the tropical rainforest disappeared. The forest that previously stretched out lika a wide belt around the equator is now primarily concentrated in three core areas. It is the largest rainforest in Central and South America. The second largest in Central Africa - the so-called Congo Basin - and the third area is within the Indo-Malay region of Southeast-Asia.

An invaluable pantry:
The list of everything that is extracted from the rainforest is long. Examples of edible raw materials originating from the rainforest are coffee, cocoa and many other fruits. Addition is recovered many different substances, mainly from plants, used for Medicine manufacturing. Today the forest is harvested by 1-2% per year. Forest loss not only leads to the loss of a tremendous asset, it also affects the global climate negatively, when the trees are felled transferred to the carbon that is bound in the vegetation of atmospheric carbon and in this way to the greenhouse effect!
The nature in Sweden !!!! <3 


All the pictures in this post is taken of : SOFIE TERKILDSEN
No pictures of Nikita, Sofie and Ellinor can you take!!


This week's animal facts

African wild donkey
Status: Criticaly Endangered

The wild ass is usually gray in color, but gray-brown donkeys occur. The belly is white and han a black line on the back (so-called eel) and a mankkors. The head is large and has long ears. It has a shoulder height of about 120 centimeters and can weight between 100 to 130 kg. Of course there is donkeys that can weight less or more. The tail is about 45 centimeters long!

The wild ass is a specialist in survival in extreme conditions. It can tolerate severe drought, extreme temperature changes and sand storms. Is can manage on low-fat diet such as shrub branches and thick bladed salt plants. It keeps most of the semi-desert and mountainous terrain and is an accomplished climber. It is enable to drink brackish water!

Wild donkeys are herb animals, but the flocks are very loosely put together and they have no real hierarchy.
A flock may have about 40 to 50 animals one day and far less on a different day, they come and go as they please. A wild donkey is pregnant for about a year and she usually only give birth to two foals. If a donkey can live and have your health, it can be up to 50 years old.

So will our interventions this week look!!

  • Monday: This week's animal facts
  • Tuesday: Nature theme ''Reinforest - Climate (apparance)''
  • Wednesday: Cat of the week
  • Thursday: Animal of the week
  • Friday: 2 Photographs
  • Saturday and Sunday: Repetition of the old


HJÄLP !!!! HELP!!!

ElSoNi bloggen 
Någon har hackat sig in på vår blogg och ändrar våra inlägg :/
Så om det står något konstigt eller något som inte har att göra med djur och natur så är det INTE ElSoNi som har skrivit det, det kan ni vara säkra på.

 Om du har någon information om detta så kommentera gärna och berätta vad du vet !!! 
Vi vill veta 

Picture of the day

Time set:
Hi animal lovers!
For you guys, that just loves horses, here is a little special picture for you! We saw a horse that went solo and worked on a stall, so we just had to take a good photo of it!! 

You may not copy our images (C) * name * to them, we have photographed themselves!

Have a nice day! :)) // ElSoNi


Here is some pictures that we took a few days ago!
We charge only on those two. Because they were the best.

We do not know but they somehow becomes blurred when we add them to the blog.



ElSoNi Poster

Time set:
Hi guys, as many of you readers alredy know, we have posters that we set up. This is an example, but we are going to add some more colours later.

The blog will be entirely English!

Time set:
Hi guys, just as the titel says- the blog wil be enterily english!
It's so good that we have visitors from other countrys!
Invite your friends if they're intrested in animals and nature! It is just fun! Have a nice day, and you that have animals, take good care!

//Big hugs


See birds LIVE!

Time set:
Do you like birds?
Click on the link below-->

Here can you see birds LIVE in their home!

People have put cameras in birds' nests without being noticed something that now you can see!
Have a good day! //Elsoni

Send a little cute coment or what you think!

Like us on FACEBOOK!

Time set:
Good morning, hope you had it good and you that have animals, took care of them! ;-)
Now we have started a site on so you can like us!
Elsoni- Animal and nature (Djur och natur) fanpage
Take a look and like if you are intrested of the blog!



This is how our posts is going to look like

  • Animal of the week (Veckans djur)
  • Nature theme
  • Cat of the week
  • Photographs
  • (And a little bit of everything)
Starting next week!
Big bearhugs// Elsoni

Nature Theme!

Time set:

Yes, now I think you wonder ''What nature theme?''! We are gonna write some about :
  • rain forest
  • steppe
  • savannah 
  • desert
Animals, climate, people and much more! Starting next week.
Have a good morning!
//Big Elephant Hugs from Elsoni!
Please click in you opinion or leave a cute comment!


Here again!

Hej, ja vi är tillbaka. Vi tänker starta bloggen igen, för många tyckte det var synd att vi slutade innan. Det kommer inte bli lika många inlägg som innan, men vi kommer åtminstone att publicera något inlägg om dagen. Vi tänker ta det på engelska, för att många av läsarna är inte från Sverige. Hoppas ni gillar bloggen, och åter igen FÖRLÅT! 

Hi, and yes- we are back. We are thinking to start the blog again, because many people though it was so sad that we stoped blog so suddenly. It's not going to be so many posts a day like before, sorry. But we're atleast going to post some few per day. We're gonna write on english, because many of the readers doesn't come from Sweden. We hope you like the blog, and again- sorry!


  • Ja juste, klicka gärna i om vad ni tycker om inlägget/inläggen o skicka gärna också en liten gullig kommentar eller åsikt!
  •  Yes, exactly, please click in on what you think about this / o posts please send a small cute comment or opinion!